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Step 1: Decide. Thanks for already having taken this step. It is the most important one. You are welcome to download the MDPA Leader's Manual as a preview copy for your review at:

Step 2: Submit the application form below with a brief essay: Based on your understanding of our Make A Difference with the Power of Acknowledgment (MDPA) - Make a Difference WEEK - Program, what are the compelling reasons that your school should be selected to receive the full program at no cost?

Step 3: Download the Make A Difference WEEK Presentation Proposal PDF (Click and Choose SAVE) that you can print out to take to your school leaders who will need to approve bringing this into your school(s). It explains the problem, the urgency and the solution MDPA program provides.

Step 4: Download the Agreement (Click and Choose SAVE) and have your School's Principal or District Superintendent select which Options are the best fit and sign it; this is the document that we must have in hand when we contact corporations and businesses. This application also requires that you provide us with a list of venders your school currently does business with, i.e., electrical company, phone company, teacher credit union/banks, etc. (page 2 of the agreement).

Step 5: Be willing to provide HPP with evaluations, scores and statistics gathered at the completion of the program.