Make A Difference with the Power of with Compassion
by Mary Robinson Reynolds & Elizabeth Silance Ballard
The "Cliffs Notes" for positive Cultural Change in your personal life, company, organization or school.
7 x 7 HardCover Full Color 128 pg Gift Book & DVD
Compassion is an old idea made new, because science has caught up to ancient literature and philosophy to prove that "the only way out" of resentment, anger, harmful or unskilled behavior is through compassion. It makes you protective rather than controlling and when this occurs, you simply stop using fear and shame to modify unskillful behaviors, which dramatically advances focus and productivity. Compassion gets it done!
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The Power of Compassion: 7 Ways You Can Make A Difference
by Mary Robinson Reynolds & Elizabeth Silance Ballard
- includes seven ways to create memory recall to subtly, yet powerfully impact personal life and workplace culture. |
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The "Cliffs Notes" for positive Cultural Change in your personal life, company, organization or school.
7 x 7 HardCover Full Color 128 pg Gift Book & DVD
The Power of Compassion is palpable! This gift books gives you 7 specific strategies about the power of compassion in "real" - immediately applicable terms.
The Power of Compassion is palpable!
This book ANSWERS How To: Build Solid Relationships with Anyone • Learn to Communicate Clearly & Avoid Misunderstandings • Manage Individuals with Rotten Attitudes or Lousy People Skills • Handling Difficult Conversations • Boost Morale: Communication Dos and Don'ts • Handle Attitudinal Negativity • Be Assertive with Tact & Finesse • Listen • How to Transform Difficult and Demanding People • Increase Emotional Intelligence with Compassion • Be An Outstanding Communicator • Use Compassion to Create Intelligence.
See Site Licensing for installation of the movie on more than one computer: Make A Difference Movie Site License
Make A Difference The Power of Compassion by Mary Robinson Reynolds includes seven additional stories to create memory recall to subtly, yet powerfully impact personal life and workplace culture.
It is not only a stand-alone book, it works directly with Mary's Team Synergy 101 Leadership Training Program - and FREE downloadable Manual to her Make A Difference in 9 Weeks.
The core of a good life is having regard for those around you. Regard for the people you live with and work with; regard for your clientele and for your venders; regard for your community at large. IF you make the time to instill these 7 Ways to Make A Difference into business the same way we try to instill this into our children, it will make a huge and lasting difference.
This beautifully illustrated book shows how everyone can make a difference with a simple act of compassion toward any challenging person or situation; it elegantly:
Promotes the importance of making time to connect with all people. It is perfect for Acknowledgement gifts, Leadership development, Executive Retreats, Team Building, Management training.
Generates a culture of compassionate regard for every member of your team and cuts across all demographic and cultural barriers.
Creates a catalyst for change. Use the "classic" time-honored story and DVD movie to train your team about the power of compassion.
Encourages people within your circle of influence to embrace new views that will create an environment in which, they can be part of a synergistic community.
This gift books gives you 7 specific strategies about the power of compassion in "real" - immediately applicable terms.
"I am a 6 ft. 2in., 250-pound construction worker and this short, but profound, film actually brought tears to my eyes. It made me realize that I must be more mindful when I'm training my apprentices." -Walter Wood
"This book is great!! You have done a great job of touching people's hearts and motivating them to be the compassionate person we are all meant to be. I am not much for gushy human interest stories that drip in sentimental syrup so when I began reading Making a Difference with the Power of Compassion I was a bit apprehensive and not really looking forward to it. However, as each story unfolded I became more aware of the various ways the act of compassion can change the energy of any situation. I found myself practicing compassion in intense business dealings, the grocery store line, driving my car and in conversations to my family. This book will touch your heart and remind you that the love of compassion does make a difference." - Judy Pearson, Founder of Ki Communications
"I've purchased and read Make a Difference with the Power of Connection, and it is indeed a powerful little book! I am in HR and am blessed to be restructuring our management and business culture. "Connecting" with the people we work with is invaluable ~ especially Management to team member. Your book only solidified my deep belief and caused me to see further areas within myself that I need to shift in order to be more connected through compassion. While reading it I not only reflected back upon how I related to my own children, but substituted the word "child" with adult, team mate, employee, friend and/or at times even boss! Blessings abundant to you and your calling, Mary Reynolds."
-Ann in Maitland, HR
Mary's Response: Dear Ann, Thank YOU SO MUCH for your kind words about my Connection book for Parents & Professional Educators - and do I have a surprise for you! & Because of the very issue you bring up, I re-wrote my Make A Difference with the Power of Compassion book to now include 7 Ways You Can Make A Difference specifically for the working adult, working, employee, teammate, audience who very much needs this information to soften those hard edges we all carry around to end the generational legacy of pain in our society. It is the companion book for my FREE Team Synergy Training Manual: Make A Difference in 9 Weeks. Which you can download for free at: makeadifference.com/Training/
- Mary
For every 2 percent increase in the "service climate" - that is, the general cheerfulness and helpfulnesss of the staff - you get a 1 percent increase in revenue. Do the math to determine how much of an increase in "service climate" it will take to increase your revenue as much as you may need right now.
There is a current Top 10 List of Businesses that are Growing and Hiring in the midst of the economy shift, one of which is Dreyer's, a $2 billion company with more than 6,000 employees. It just keeps on growing with their "I Can Make A Difference" work environment.
New research also shows how negativity in the workplace can significantly hamper employee productivity. "Change" is cited as a major cause of organizational negativity. Employees react to change with negativity, and often the work environment amplifies such negativity and transmits it to others. Any changes recently in your company? In your market?
What can you do to reverse negativity and improve "service climate?" I have learned that "difficult people" are often acting like children in adult bodies. Learn how to Make A Difference in 30 seconds or less:
1) Watch this micro-movie: www.MakeADifferenceMovie.com
2) Read this short book online for free at: makeadifference.com/GiftBook
3) Download this free Team Synergy Training: 9 Weeks to a "Make A Difference" Year at: makeadifference.com/Training
Make A Difference with the Power of Compassion ...is the little book that really will make a positive, self-sustaining difference. It does the work for you!
I am confident you will want to provide copies for your friends, family and business colleagues, customers and employees.
Rooted in science, presented from a light perspective, this book details the immediate life improvements that can stem from the practice of compassion. A message of strength in business and every day life.
Making A Difference is helping to transform our mass consciousness to one of peace and harmony through a beautiful, easy to read gift book that allows people to get in intimate touch with the innermost core of their being. To know that they have more power than they have ever realized, to know that they can influence what is happening through the energy generated from compassion.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. -George Washington Carver
We have the power to choose in the moment how we want to be in the world. Right hemisphere: I'm connected with the all that is, the life force of the world - one with all that is. Or I can step into the consciousness of my left hemisphere, where I am a single individual separated from the flow, separate from you : I AM - these are the we inside of me. Which do you choose and when? The more time we spend choosing to run the deep inner peace circuitry of our right hemisphere the more we will project peace into the world the more peaceful our planet will be. - Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Neuroanatomist
"I was touched by your movie. We all know that good teachers make a positive difference each day. Sometimes we just need to be reminded."
- Doris Voitier, Superintendent, St. Bernard Parish Schools and recipient of the JFK Profile in Courage Award
"I have read this story before but still had to use my shirt sleeve while watching it. In a high school, compassion for others is huge, for both staff and students. I have seen the power of compassion come alive and change a whole culture of a high school. 'The key is sustaining it.' In regard to your book, I have really discovered that kindness and compassion are closely linked to school culture and student success. Much of my work with kids has been about tapping into school's greatest and most under-utilized resource (kids) 'coaching' kids. I have witnessed first hand incredible transformation when the compassion you refer to in your book is extended in the form of 'giving' to others. It becomes a win-win for all, and this is the school culture shift I'm referring to. This is not new news to you, I'm sure"
- James Burke, Counseling Department Head and Boys Varsity Soccer Coach
Testimonial for Make a Difference book
from Peggy M. Bryan, Mentor Program Coordinator Wilkes County Schools, North Wilkesboro, NC
The Mentor Program in our county sponsored a meeting for first, second, and third year beginning teachers. It was a late afternoon meeting so we made sure we had a variety of good refreshments for our teachers.
Teachers were then given the opportunity to network with teachers who taught in the same subject area. They also had time to share teaching strategies and techniques with their networking group.
Teachers had been asked ahead of time to share a success story with their mentor. Mentors read several stories aloud to emphasize teaching with compassion, persistence, being a cheerleader, high expectations, being consistent, being creative, encouraging students, the importance of parental involvement, diversity, motivating students and so on.
The theme throughout the meeting was making a difference and using compassion to understand the students in their classes. So our next activity was to share the video from the "Make a Difference Movie" featuring Teddy Stallard. There were about 200 people in the room, yet everyone was silent and mesmerized as the movie unfolded. Though the "Teddy Stallard Story" movie is less than 10 minutes, it teaches such a valuable lesson to beginning teachers... that their actions make such a difference in the lives of their students. Needless to say, many of the teachers were reaching for a Kleenex when the movie finished.
Finally, I shared with them that it was evident from their success stories that they are making a difference and that they truly care about their students and are teaching with compassion. I shared with them several qualities I believe every successful educator needs. I also asked them to look for "Teddy's" in their classrooms and to know that each of them had within them that spark of compassion and concern and love that drove them into education in the first place. I challenged them to fan that spark into a flame that will warm their schools and their classrooms and nurture their students now and in the future.
Since our overall theme had been "Making a Difference and Compassion in the Classroom," we concluded our meeting by presenting all our beginning teachers with a copy of the book Make a Difference by Mary Robinson Reynolds. We also got the DVD of the "Make a Difference Movie," which they had just seen. The group applauded and expressed thanks for the meeting and the book.
Mentors received a lot of feedback from the teachers as they visited them during the next week. They loved the book and DVD and many expressed that they could use the information from the meeting and the book to help make their classrooms an even better place for students to learn.