Use Powerful, Affirmative Language
The language you use induces energetic states that inspire you to take whatever action is required of you, from this point forward. The implications for this in designing your MasterMind requests are crucial. You must use the most powerful and affirmative language that you can come up with.
The Art of The Request: You begin with the most courageous, bold thought you can decide upon and begin formulating your requests from that place. It's likely that most of the language you using to describe your problematic situations is creating vibrational calibrations in the lower ranges and thereby keeping you in a perpetually weakened state. To change this requires courage. And as we know, when we have a MasterMind partner who is approving and accepting of our plight, we can be doubly, even triply more courageous in initiating a bold request.
It is through bold words that you begin applying your faith to the formulation of your MasterMind requests. Your words will help you acquire the confidence necessary to take whatever action is required to bring your dreams, goals and desires into your experience. Every word you speak is what you are choosing to believe and to give your power to in any given moment. The language you elect to use is what creates a rich vibrational state of mind.
I have a preference for the statement: I request and accept. After many years of MasterMinding, I feel that including the word "accept" is the most powerful way to phrase a request. While making a powerful request is paramount to the MasterMinding process, the ability to "receive" what we've asked for has seemed to be an even bigger issue for me and the people I've worked with. As it is, we have plenty of resistance to just "receiving" without struggle, anguish or strife, let alone that we are now learning to request that it all be easier somehow!
The universal life current is subject and obedient to the word of man.
Be, Do, Have: Stay in The Present
As you will see in the following sample requests, it is best to state your request in the present tense. This keeps the mind from pushing things off into the future when you are asking for something to "become" or "will be," etc. From this point of view, tomorrow never comes. It's like the Spanish expression: "maňana," which literally translates as "tomorrow," but actually means: "not today," pushing action or completion endlessly into the future.
Throughout time, it has been said that, in every circumstance and situation, and in the face of any result or outcome, you should "see the perfection" in it. This doesn't mean to merely accept whatever happens, but rather to be receptive of what you've asked for, to feel it and accept it as so, regardless of the appearances.
For every single circumstance or situation of anything unlike what you prefer,
you can formulate a request for it, right here, right now.
Requesting and therefore accepting that you will in fact,
either have an instantaneous change of events
or you will be guided to the best and highest
right action, or non-action, and outcome.
Identify the real problem and then turn it around. Use opposite words to describe the thing you prefer. Try to use the most powerful vibrational words. Do not use words that have negative energy such as any word with a 'not' in it, such as: I don't want any more of_____
Which Has The Better Vibrational Quality?
- I request and accept stupid people to leave my world, or
- I request and accept competent, prosperous minded people to do business with.
There you have it ... a way to get your Wishes Granted through MasterMinding! What are you waiting for? Let's MasterMind!
Reaching out to make a difference ...