CREATING A TOLL BOOTH BUSINESSIsn't that what you really want? As I've worked with over 20,000 people across the United States in a two year period, I found that the way the largest percentage of people set up their business (and personal) goals is dependent on what they think is possible rather than what they would really like to have as their experience. This explains exactly why the percentages of businesses that fail each year is greater than the ones that succeed. You've heard of the spiritual principle: People without vision will perish! Those businesses that are succeeding into levels of vast toll booth type wealth, have decided for the road less traveled. The bigger and the greater vision. This does not include statistics about what is possible and what is not, and does not include what's happening in the economy, or doing it the hard way. Rather than subscribing to "no pain, no gain," instead subscribe to the millionaire mindset, "less effort, more results!" People of great wealth, people who succeed lavishly, decide differently and set higher criteria than those who's businesses are barely getting by or failing. They literally let go of the lesser, for the greater. 3 Steps to Creating a Self Sustaining Toll Booth Business 1) Decide what you want. There is nothing so powerful as the power of the made up mind. This means, begin with the end in mind: Self-sustaining Toll Booth. 2) Set your criteria. Who do your clients need to be, in order for the foundational pieces for a Toll Booth effect to take place? Stop settling for less than what you really want. Hold firm to the vision of the future you intend to create. Your criteria must include demographics, and financial income range. Your criteria must include competent and prosperous minded people, whose intention is to create financial security and exponential wealth. Your criteria must include people who want exactly what you have to offer, period! 3) Be the attractor. Everything you do, every marketing piece you create needs to have one thought and one thought only behind it: Will this attract my ideal, toll booth client? You are now the attractor and not the chaser. You must give up your old self-defeating ways of accepting less than what you really want. You must stop giving into the temptation of the mediocre client for the client the meets all of your criteria. From this moment forward, you must mentally live, a vacation lifestyle that is not only self sustaining but thrilling to enjoy! Be it, do it, have it. It is not the other way around! Think about it. You must stop doing what is getting you the results you do not want. Do something different. Have fun with this. Take all of your new goals into weekly MasterMind sessions, and new ideas, energy and clients that meet your criteria will come in. There you have it. A stress reduced, life-enhancing, energy producing, highly lucrative business.
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