4 SuccessBytes On How To "Get Lucky!"If Opportunity isn't Knocking... go out and Find It If You Think That Life hasn't dealt you a fair hand, why don't you deal yourself a better one? The fact is, wishing and hoping won't help you "Get Lucky!" What will is getting FOCUSED about the Success you want. So where does ~LUCK~ come from? Luck comes from Personal Power & how you "Show Up!" 1. Decide what you WANT! Research indicates that from birth to age 5 we are told NO 40,000 times and YES only 5,000 times! Is it any wonder that we second guess what we want? Most of our decisions in life are about what we don't want! Not what we do want. As I have worked with thousands of children and adults over the years I can tell you this... The #1 obstacle to "Getting Lucky" is that we've been conditioned to think in terms of what we don't want and so we speak... no... we HARP, NAG AND COMPLAIN... our way through personal relationships and attempts at professional advancement. Is it any wonder we are depressed, exhausted and ready to quit!? We spend the largest percentage of our lives in states of "powerlessness"... and the ONLY way to success... is to begin thinking in terms of how we'd like it to be... PERIOD! I guarantee you that if you will spend only 15 min. a day writing and thinking about what you want... it will appear as if your "Luck" has instantaneously changed for the better... you will begin to take what you have been trying to communicate to incredible new levels. 2. Get Prepared. You've heard the term, "Act As If"... well it IS the KEY to "Getting Lucky." If an opportunity presented itself to you within the next 24 hours... would you be prepared? Have you taken the classes, done the work, become the expert? ARE YOU READY? You see, one of the problems is that we think that if we just no, no, no, no, no... someday ONLY comes when you have done ~the Work.~ What is it that is in front of you to do? Don't expect your Luck to change until you do, whatever "IT" is... Get To Work... do "Your" part, and the rest will begin to unfold for you in ways you don't even need to know about today. 3. Make the Moment. Spotting an opportunity is one thing. Having the "guts" to go for it is quite another. Legend has it that years ago, when Fran Drescher was a working actress sitting on a big idea for a TV show, she found herself seated next to a CBS exec on a plane. Lucky Break? Maybe yes… maybe no... Think about it... she had obviously worked through the idea already and wasn't afraid to open her famously big mouth! She pitched the idea, the the rest is "Nanny" history. In Making the Moment count... you will, in fact, be taking RISKS! It does not necessarily require that you lay your ego on the line to score a success. You can easily seize an opportunity with subtlety... When rumors hit the office that your team is going to be "re-engineered" (ie: wiped out)… instead of folding into a state of "powerlessness"... slap your face with some COLD water and go back to SuccessByte #1… WHAT DO YOU WANT? Here is a brilliant opportunity to start thinking about how you would like it to be... Just the simple act of thinking about how you'd like it to be immediately sends out a new intention to your team, to management... BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION… Make the Moment... do not wait! 4. Less Effort More Results! Do you habitually kill household plants? Do you stand over the seeds you've planted in your fertile garden and yell, "Grow, darn-it!" No, of course not. Yet, that's what we tend to do in this "do, do, do, do, do society" of ours. It's called Over Efforting... It's trying to FORCE things into existence. "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up" ...has been our motto! SuccessBytes #1, 2, and 3 are about "PrePaving" the Success you want to create, the Luck you want to experience... and the more you PrePave... the Luckier you will get! So how does one "Get Lucky" while applying "Less Effort, More Results?" When you find yourself stressed out, exhausted, frustrated, angry or just ready to call it quits… STOP... You are Over Efforting! Simply say to yourself, Less Effort, More Results... keep Getting Lucky is not about sprinting your way through life and getting one shot at it… it's much more like a marathon, with Lucky opportunities opening up for you one after the other, after the other, after the other… It is about "Showing Up" and "Acting As If" you know where you are going and what you are doing… By saying to yourself, Less Effort More Results, you are kicking the creative mechanism of your mind into gear... so that you can DO THE WORK "SMARTER" not Harder. And that's all there is to "Getting Lucky" and "Staying Lucky!"
YOU ARE A SUCCESS! ©2001 Mary Robinson Reynolds, Heart Productions & Publishing
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