On the Subject of Tithing

Click on these player buttons to listen to Mary talk about tithing, "Who you gonna really trust?" - on a recent TeleClass call, and how it creates that spiritual connection you've been longing for. (Or Right-Click Here to download it.)

There's an old saying: "When you can't afford to tithe, that is exactly when you can't afford not to." The connection that you've longed to feel deeply begins when you begin the practice of consistent tithing 10% of your time, your talent and your dollars to the person or place where you receive your spiritual nourishment week to week, month to month. Tithing means: "I trust God with my money, my business, my marriage, my loved ones, my health & weight, my life, and I choose to demonstrate my trust with a tenth of all my increase. My barns are now being filled with plenty and my vats overflow with new good. I am always guided, in all ways, to the greatest good for all. I now gratefully receive divine protection, provision and promotion."

From Catherine Ponder's The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages: It has been said that the person who takes up the practice of tithing will have at least six surprises: 1) he will be surprised at the amount of money he has to give God's work, 2) he will be surprised at the wisdom and good judgment tithing gives him in using the remaining nine-tenths of his income, 3) he will be surprised at the ease with which he can meet his financial obligations, 4) he will be surprised at the deepening of his prosperity consciousness, as well as his spiritual life, 5) he will be surprised at how easily he can go from one-tenth to larger giving, 6) he will be surprised at himself for having not adopted the tithing method of prosperity sooner! I would like to add one thing the tither should not be surprised about: He may find himself a millionaire!

We are not a non-profit, at this time. We joyously accept Love Gifts & Tithes. Your gifts - your seeds of faith - support Mary's ongoing spiritual work throughout the world. Thank you. We are grateful for you, and for your caring and sharing ...in Light & Love, M & C

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