SUCCESSBYTES for the Month of February 2006

PEACE & PLENTY IN 2006 Part 2

Peace is the stuff miracles are made of.

And when Peace is the predominant vibration, everything, and I do mean everything, is affected. Human psyches are affected soothingly by peaceful vibrations.

We can find our highest creative solutions when we are in a truly peaceful state.

These miracles I'm talking about come from a high-vibrational, Peaceful state.

When you watch any and all of my movies, notice how you begin to feel Peaceful.

This is "you" connecting to your Source - letting go, letting God, Infinite Intelligence, Omnipresence - from which all good things do indeed flow.

When I ponder Peace in our lifetime, and then I find myself in a situation with someone who I consider stubborn and fearful in their thinking, I immediately get a visual of being in the same room with all the World Leaders - some of whom may have scarcity or fear-based belief systems, religious and cultural views which appear to be culminating toward nuclear-bomb mentality - and I start thinking about what could a Peace vibration really do here? And then I apply PEACE as a soothing balm back to the situation I'm currently facing where I need a miracle. Rather than trying to "fix" what's not feeling right, I wait quietly for PEACE to do it's thing and for me to be able to hear what my inner guidance directs me to do next.

I've intentionally and deliberately chosen Peace vibrations at super-markets with screaming kids and angry parents, with hostile repair men who are telling me that they can't do what they came to do, and seriously impossible situations, events and relationships.

To understand how Peace is one of the highest transformative vibrational frequencies in the Universe, read my free Special Report: The Physics of Love's imperative that you understand fully the vibrational frequency, energy and power of an attitude.  What you think matters.  What you think has a vibrational impact in all verbal and non-verbal communication.

I also practice energetically sending Peace and blessing the very, very few people who believe they must email me with threats and tell me my movies are illegal and exploit children, or better yet, that what I write about is of the devil because I don't talk about Jesus the way they think I should. Then there's the person who watches my Love movie and weeps because my writing is of satin and that it IS our job to judge and condemn because God is a judging, condemning God and it says so in the Old Testament, listing scripture after scripture after fearful interpretation after fearful interpretation.

There are the occasional few who make assumptions about me and about how I should read my Bible, etc. etc., and then they put me on their email lists trying to convince me daily about the errors of my ways with the scriptures that they think I should be reading ...and I simply bless them and delete their emails without reading them, as I see them continuing to try so hard for me to "get" how "right" their interpretations and perceptions of the world, life and me are.

And I haven't even begun to talk about all of the World's religions yet, not to mention all the various forms of all the religions, including a bazillion interpretations of Christianity, and how my fervent prayer is that all religions align and surrender the need to be right. Which makes me think of the quote, "Do you want to be right, or do you want to love?" ...or maybe it's "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" Either way, I think I've made my point. I'm simply not interested in separation. I am only interested in that which aligns me (and all people) with source: LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE.

I receive letters from people of different sexual orientation saying I'm not doing enough for their cause in my movies. I repeat, it's not about sexual orientation, it's about that we really are all One, regardless of our fear-and-hatred belief systems and scriptural interpretations.

I've seen people change on a dime before my very eyes when I choose PEACE in the midst of a most difficult, intense situation.

I call this a Miracle!

When I move into a peaceful, loving, zero-judgment state, what I say next is always very powerful.

Sometimes, I am guided to educate and address very specific hurtful behaviors and plant a few seeds about what I feel is needed to straighten out the crooked places.

Sometimes, I am guided to simply bless them and reach for a quiet, peaceful state to let PEACE do it's thing.

And some days I do this better than others. That's why I meditate every morning before I officially start my day. It's my greatest guarantee that I will be more likely to refrain from causing harm in my world.

Some days, when I'm really overly attached to an outcome, it's more difficult for me to reach for Peace and be a peaceful presence. But, because I know the power of Peace, I work to get there just as soon as I can.

Peace is a Miracle. Ask for it.

Applying the healing soothing balm of Light and Love and Peace, in addressing a situation that needs to be changed, comes through powerfully by honoring the place that another person is currently coming from.

To create miracles in your relationships, in your finances, in your health all begins with a vision of the future you intend to create.

Find the peace within that vision for ...People without vision will perish.

Vision only that which you intend to "include" in your experience.

Find peace within yourself first and the miracles will follow.

Have some fun with creating Peace in 2006 ... we are all human after all!

Pay this forward. Bring as much Light and Love as you can, to make 2006 your Year of Peace.

Let's create Peace in our lifetime - together.

Please continue to watch when you need to feel peace, and send to at least 3 people, and we will reach Worldwide Proportions together in Peace.

And while you are at it ...let people know about the 31 Day Miracles MasterMind which they can register for - anytime - at the home page of my website at:


From my heart to your heart
in Light and Love throughout this Year of Peace

Peace be mine... and so it is,

MasterMind Miracle Stories:

The last week of December and early January I have never had such miracles work in my daily life. My children were blessed with every Christmas wish, though it was not I who filled their dreams but unexpected and generous third parties whose generosity and love brimmed our glasses to overflowing. Miraculous and spontaneous request met just as hoped could be. A new job, an invitation to a family gathering where young hearts joined together to bring in the New Year. Perfect gifts just at the right moment. Financial blessings that met all needs. Warmer weather to shut out energy price gouging. Just incredible miracles at each new dawn and dusk. These miracles are continuing as I meet like minds, share healing secrets, recipes, and resources. Attraction to people willing to love, heal and join master minding. This is the beginning of a new avenue of living correctly and diminishing negativity, weakness, while gaining clearer focus for serving a new tomorrow. My heart is once again filled with joy that has been absent for years, a decade or more. Joy replacing sadness, doubt, and fear. Joy that brings positive action, and healthy solutions. Wonderful. Peaceful. Newness of life!!! It must be the 31 day miracle. These past weeks are nothing short of a miracle. A transformation! True awakening. I love myself, my life, my responsibilities, and each sunrise, again. CarolAnn

Mary, I just wanted to thank you for shedding a little light on the sometimes shadowy perception of the political process in this country in your open letter to Natural Awakenings. The adversarial and often bitter commentaries we are exposed to every day really don't solve anything. And approaching any issue by first kicking those with different viewpoints in the teeth, greatly limits the ability to move forward. It has taken me 48 years to realize that in my own life and it is very encouraging to see someone advocating a more inclusive and positive approach to resolving the significant challenges facing us today. Kudos and a very sincere 'Thanks'! Christopher, MEd YAC & Resolution Counseling, Lifeworks

As I've been going through the Mastermind process, the ordering and discipline of my thoughts has improved, and I'm noticing speedier "cleaner" results. Since my original request was for a residential puppet theater (as part of my home, with room for play shops and space for a garden etc.) I've ended up - zooom! - leaving Tennessee and landing back in Yellow Springs Ohio, which is where most of my old theater contacts are, and where many years' worth of good reputation are as well. No sooner did I get back than I found out a certain old house on the main street had been purchased by a local foundation with the intention of transforming it into a performing arts center! Not only that, a puppetry project for school-age children on nutrition that I'd developed for a children's museum in Tennessee, but which had not been activated, fits right into what the schools in the Village here are doing. AND the local cable TV station is looking for something like this project and some of my other ideas...So I'm getting an opportunity to be trained in TV production and show development. All this is miraculous to me - clean, clear, direct - and extremely encouraging! Thank you, Mastermind partners! Carolion

I just ordered the MasterMinding 101 Online Course. This is my first day of this 31 day miracle. I have done the master mind group 3-4 years ago and some miraculous things happened. Since then I have been looking for something like this since then. A friend sent me a link to see the light movie. What a great inspiration that movie is. It was a wonderful surprise to see that it was connected to a master mind person. I asked and finally received this great blessing. Cindy


Dear Mary,
 I am really overwhelmed by your generosity of sharing your movies with us all. This is true love! I forwarded to some friends as a New Year gift, and especially one friend was in fact saved by it as the day she received it she was in a very bad mood and had to cope with things she did not know how to handle. brought the light into her soul and she got the power to resolve her problems with ease. THANK YOU!
 And, dear Mary, thank you for your 30 Day Challenge! Every morning I watch together with my little "God Can Box", wherein I have put my problems and my preferences. I get filled with love and it feels very good. THANK YOU! The world needs loving people like you! Love, Maud, Sweden 

 "You Are Love" challenge. 

Hello Mary & Craig,
 I started the "You Are Love challenge" and have my box with the lists in and wrote God Can! on top. Well a couple of days later I was asked what a God "can" was? After I figured what they were talking about and how they interpreted what I had written on the box I explained what the box was for. After they left I got tickled about it and thought you would get a chuckle out of it too.
 Really enjoying your website and the e-book "Attitude." Sincerely, Amy

Dear Mary; Thank you for the movie that you sent today. I shared this with my wife Debbie and we held each others hands and I hugged her. She felt the love and enjoyed the film tremendously. You see I am going for surgery tomorrow and even though I know my Lord Jesus Christ will be there with me, this story "You are love" grants me the courage to accept this as love because it will help to heal me physically as HE has healed me spiritually.

Thank you for your thoughts and films and know that I am love exhibited through the thoughts you send me. Thank you again Jimmy

Dear Mary,
Thank you, for your wonderful, joyful love and great generosity of Spirit,
which have blessed me in so many ways (creating little shifts in how I think
about my life), already . . . just watching your beautiful movies, and
listening in on a group coaching session re RICHES, reading your
SuccessBytes and checking into the 31 Days offerings . . . XOXOXO!
I have 2 questions: Tonight, I am so hungry to read your free article about the The Physics of Love, and have been trying all evening to access and print it out to study, but without success. Do you have any ideas?
With love and gratitude, and a desire/commitment to tithe to you (how do I do that?), Jill
Dear Jill... just click on the words underlined in blue and you will get to what you've asked for! Thank you ... in Light & Love, Mary

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