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SUCCESSBYTE for the month of May, 2005


The other morning, I was struck by a deep appreciation and love for my girlfriend and MasterMind partner, Judy.  I had this amazing moment of reflection on how much we’ve been through together in the last 8 years.  Our friendship was tested a few times, especially when my husband left me and filed for divorce (years ago – see  Judy was instrumental in being one of my MasterMind partners for the specific purpose of reuniting me with my husband. (Thanks also to Diana.)

It occurred to me that I should definitely share with her what I was thinking about and not just keep it to myself. So I called her right away and told her the thoughts and feelings I was having.  We both realized that more often than not we don’t share our wonderful thoughts and feelings with the people we are thinking about.

What are the ways you hide your light?

After sending out our new I received many wonderful emails – thank you so much – one of which was from Vern, another girlfriend and MasterMind partner.  She said that my words carry a different message than my normal theme and that using “the Light” seemed to be new for me.

I think about the Light all the time, and I feel that’s my message every time I write articles and my SuccessBytes. And yet, it’s true, I’ve never quite said it like this before.  I’ve never before felt the need this strongly.

When the words for this movie started to come to me, I revisited Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount:

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do men light a lamp only to put it under a bushel basket; they put it on a stand where it gives light to all in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

What are the ways you hide your light?

A woman wrote to me about You Are The Light Movie, saying that she thought the pictures were beautiful but… “there is only ONE Light of the World, and that’s Jesus” and that she didn’t believe she could even come close.   Of course, both my husband and I responded to her, Craig saying: “The Pope disagrees with you:

I had another friend tell me he would have used different words. He thought I should have used different language, for the mainstream population.  He suggested I go back and change words like:  transfigure, Quantum, seduction and a few others.  He didn’t like the couple kissing and the message “You know where your light is … Turn it On” because it implied sexual light, as if connecting with one’s heart light is bad and/or only sexual in nature when everything in the Universe is sexual in nature!   We are sexual beings.  The point is “get it turned on …and stop lollygagging!”  Accessing Light comes in a myriad of ways, love and sex are just two ways that most people can relate to instantly.  We can access the Light and build from where we are.

His concern, as my friend, undoubtedly was for my safety.  It was very interesting to me because the very words he identified to me were the ones that my inner guidance was very specific with me that I use.  When it was all said and done, there was no doubt in my being that this language was necessary for the full potential of the message.

Sometimes, we delude ourselves into thinking it is safer to hide our light under the bushel, believing that hiding is what will keep us safe from what people might think, or say, or do in response to our shining.  They may disagree with our “opinions,” but each of us has to decide what we are here to do and be.

What are the ways you hide your light?

Many married people who write to me just won’t say to their spouses: “I love you, I want to reconcile, and I want you to leave that ‘other’ person behind and come forward into our future with me.”  Or to say to that ‘other’ person, “Leave my spouse alone!  You have no right to interfere in my marriage and you are denying yourself a happy future by trying to take something that is not yours to take.  Leave me and my spouse alone.” 

We somehow decided that confrontation is bad.  It’s the Light trying to get turned on!

This is Light.  This is right Light.  It’s clear.  It’s concise.  Say it.

What are the ways you hide your light?

Then there is the person reading this who keeps doing other people’s work for them or thinks it’s virtuous to be a victim.  You would most certainly be Shining Your Light when you tell the people who are allowing you do their work for them that they are: “fabulous human beings who are competent and capable of doing their own work, as well as being marvelous contributions to the team!”  And that you expect them to step up and be every ounce of their most wonderful selves. The message: “YOU CAN DO IT!”

This is Light.  This is right Light.  It’s clear.  It’s concise.  Say it.

There’s avoidance.  [staying in the dark]
There’s fighting back.  [staying in the dark]
And then there’s “Let the Force Be With You” …and Say it!
This is Light.  This is right Light.  It’s clear.  It’s concise.  Say it.

What are the ways you hide your light?

As I traveled across the country, speaking to over 20,000 people in a period of several years in the late 90’s, I most definitely did fine tune my language to bring people into my message and not scare them away.

When I started writing my books, I was initially thrown by what I ended up wanting to write about.  The largest percentage of my email lists and financial livelihood came from big corporations.  And now I found myself wanting to write about MasterMinding as it relates to all areas of life.  My fear was that MasterMinding is a spiritual goal setting endeavor, and people in corporations surely wouldn’t want to hear about that!

And so it began, “coming out from under the bushel,” at least as far as what I was writing about.

Then I turned 50, and I had a powerful realization that I was half way done with my life, and I really didn’t want to mince words any more.  Either you “get it” that you are a spiritual being, or you don’t.  If you are a skeptic, be a skeptic.  People can unsubscribe!  What a concept!   What freedom.  What ease this new decision brings to my life.

I never knew the meaning of words like “transfigure” or” Quantum overlay,” until I first saw them and started learning about them.  I intend to introduce new concepts, new thinking.  It’s what I’m here to do.  It’s what I do! 

Which brings me to my next point.

I receive emails frequently from people who simply don’t do the work to learn how to think differently, through taking in new knowledge every day. They try to get me to take responsibility for their lack of initiative by accusing me of not “coming down from my mountain” to help the sick and the poor in spirit.  My response remains consistent:  “Who is responsible for you becoming a student of new thinking, of new concepts, and then applying them in the midst of your drama?”

If you don’t read you can’t learn.  If you don’t listen, you can’t hear.  If you don’t understand something, read it again and again until you do.  Listen until you hear a new insight.  As a grade-school teacher, I used to have kids come up to my desk all the time.  Rather than give them the answers, I waited for them to “get” it for themselves, and they did.

What are the ways you hide your light?

I am a “listener” of language.  The language (vibration and energy) people use in their emails tells me everything about what they are doing, or not doing, to advance their thinking and new learning.  I know that when people apply themselves to some new ways of thinking and being in the world, they can have an entirely different and wonderful life.

What you speak against, you get to keep.
What you speak for, you get to receive.

Speak for prosperity.
Speak for a loving marriage.
Speak for harmonious working relationships.
Speak for exceptionally wonderful co-workers.
Speak for health.
Speak for love of all mankind.
Speak for happy, peaceful, productive, self-actualized children.

What are the ways you hide your light?

Many of you reading this today have purchased my eBooks and online courses.  But have you studied daily?  Are you showing up and posting goals and requests at the MasterMinding message boards for yourself and for others?  

Are you discerning about the authors you read?  Are you discerning about what you “subscribe to” and about what other people tell you is possible or impossible or the only way to do things?

There is a well-known daytime talk show that occasionally has programs that should be called: “Can this marriage be saved?” …and she has a marriage expert dialoging with the person on the hot seat.  All too often this “marriage expert” will ask, “Why do you stay with your spouse when they treat you like this? Why not just get a divorce?”

What you speak against you get to keep.
What you speak for you get to receive.

There is popular daytime "pop-psychology" show that also does “Can this marriage be saved?”  …when he is working with a very troubled couple, he often turns to one of them and says something like, “Why don’t you just divorce them when you know they treat you like this?”

It’s a predominant theme on these and many similar shows.  The solution in our world today seems to be, “Leave!  Just leave.” Don’t learn new ways of being in relationship!  Don’t bother to learn to heal what’s up for healing.  Because, as Dr. Phil so often puts it, “...the best predictor of future action is actions taken in the past."  Message: "…and there you have it, that's it, that's all you should ever hope for or consider "possible" and so you are totally screwing yourself if you stay in this marriage."

What you speak against you get to keep.
What you speak for you get to receive.

And that just covers what he has to say about people behaving badly in marriage.  I don’t even want to get into what he has to say to the entrepreneur trying to go for their dream, or the parents of disruptive and unhappy children! 

And we subscribe to this because?  

Because it’s not safe to remain in the relationship and be physically and/or emotionally abused.

Alright then, move to a safe place, you can still do the work to restore your marriage from another location.  It’s all energy.  It’s all about the Light we are refusing to Shine on our situation, on our spouse.   We are too busy condemning and being fearful!

Anything unlike love is a call for love.

I’ve been divorced.  I know.  In my second marriage, I figured it out.  When he filed for divorce, I understood that if I didn’t learn anything new, I was going to get to have a repeat performance!

We have such a mindset for divorce in this society that we can’t even see how to stay married!   Do the work to heal yourself and your ability to communicate from the Light, and you do this from your inner-most powerful spirit.

What are you subscribing to? 

Throwing away spouses, children and anything that represents a call for love, for healing?

Go back and re-read the message contained in my movie if you need any more clarity about the most important thing you can do to heal any situation, any problem, any difficulty. It’s in there.  And while you are at it… send it to everybody you know!  There isn’t one single person on the planet today that doesn’t need to remember this and be this:

What are the ways you hide your light?

Do you spend time connecting with your inner spirit daily?  This IS how you become discerning.

As I’ve mentioned before, I spend an hour to two hours every morning connecting.  There’s a reason for this.  I don’t have time not to.  My inner spirit wakes me up early, so I have plenty of time to be quiet before my day begins.

People who say they don’t have time, are simply not willing to learn anything different.  You are not open to your inner spirit’s guidance… and trust me on this, this quiet contemplative state is where it gets easier.  Reading, studying every day changes your language and improves your ability to vision a greater future and creates the ability for you to go ahead and shine more and more and more of your light.  Asking for the minimum of what you think is possible will get you the minimum.  Vision, however, has no limits. 

Sitting in the dark accomplishes more of the same. 

You don’t know what you don’t know yet. 

Which is exactly why you decide for the “impossible,” instead of visioning beyond it.

All you have to do is sit down with the literature you are guided to read and begin by spending a few moments every morning.  You can get a notebook and write the words that speak to you most. Feel the power of it flow through your pen, and then your being, as you write the authors words for yourself. 

Before you know it, you will be spending two hours and having more time to do everything you could want to do, and more, every day.

Please understand this, there is no greater life purpose than shining your light, and in that, being such a peaceful presence that others can experience how to gain ease in personal relationships and create prosperous lives by learning from you just how easy it is to flip on the switch of their own light when confronted by darkness.

It's all about remembering to turn it on, turn it on… and then turn it on again.

Your personal and professional success is the blessing for other’s to see and therefore follow to their own success.

As a former championship-winning volleyball and basketball coach, you’ve just gotten a most impassioned locker room talk from me today. 

The world needs your Light at this time.  I have never felt it’s importance more than I feel it now.

For, to continue to fight for mediocrity creates nothing but more pain, suffering and war.  We cannot afford to hide our lights under bushels any more. 

The world will not advance if we refuse to shine our Lights.

You are intuitive understanding, and the mind that “knows how” is showing you now, the mind that “knows where” is leading you there, the mind that “knows when” will tell you then.

When you are at the grocery store and there is an angry upsetting encounter
Shine your light.

When you hear a child having a tantrum,
Shine your light upon that child and that child’s parents.

When you witness an angry or violent interaction,
Shine your light.

When you are paying your bills and there is more month than money,
Shine your light.

When a loved one rejects you,
Shine your light

…and pray:

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be understood, as to understand,
To be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.
— St. Francis of Assisi