Newton Junction, NH - It's a goal-achievement tradition that goes back as far as Benjamin Franklin and Henry Ford: convening a group of like-minded individuals and meeting regularly to support one another's progress toward similar intentions and goals. Now Mary Robinson Reynolds has updated that practice for the Internet Age, with an online course called MasterMinding 101®: 12 Sessions to a Rich Life ($79.00,
"So many people never achieve their dreams because they are trying to do it all by themselves," says Reynolds, who combines her experience as a psychologist with a masters degree in counseling with years of study of classics like Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. "When two or more minds come together, the result is greater than the sum of its parts. Having several people focus on how you can actualizing your intentions is like lightning in a bottle - incredibly powerful stuff!"
Her program offers insights, anecdotes, exercises and complete instructions for creating and running a MasterMind group, including:
- how to formulate MasterMind requests that will be answered
- the principle that ensures that people find others who are who are like-minded
- why over-efforting is counterproductive and what to do instead
- how to transform an ambiguous life goal into something with promise and power
- why disrupting your habits can create the future you really want
- ways to set energy in motion and get results easily and quickly
"With weekly meetings in person, you experience a ritual of showing up and learning how to hear your inner voice and urgings, while online meetings offer a way to deal with instant need and fear," Reynolds says. "With over two decades of MasterMinding experience to draw from, my program has a place for both."
The newest scientific research reveals that the person receiving positive group intentions gets unbelievable changes and immediate improvements: one person with daily headaches suddenly woke up the next day without one, while another person with an eye problem reported being healed with 80% of her sight returned.
However, the most interesting finding of this research is that the persons SENDING the intentions have reported RECEIVING permanent improvements and positive changes in their lives. The conclusion is that abundance is about GIVING and there is a rebound effect that you GET when you simply see and agree with another their heart’s deepest desires.
You can use group intention, i.e., MasterMinding, to heal others, to heal yourself and to impact situations throughout the world. An altruistic kind of intention is circular and it comes back to you.
MasterMinding 101®: 12 Sessions to a Rich Life by Mary Robinson Reynolds is available for $79 through the web site or by calling 1-800-639-8191. The tuition includes unlimited access to the MasterMinding lessons and private group discussion board. Mary Robinson Reynolds is available for interviews nationwide, by calling 1-800-639-8191 or emailing
Interview Questions
Reynolds Interview with Marcia Yudkins
Reynolds on Becoming the MasterMinding Maven®
Mary's 7 Step Process for Goal Receiving
Reynolds on Knowing What You Really Want
Reynolds on Formulating Requests