SUCCESSBYTE for the month of July, 2006

- Feature Movie: We invite you to connect to your Spirit daily with our free flash movie,

- Feature Article: Already Accomplished - Part 2

- Easily Accessible Resources: MasterMinding:LIGHTNING in a Bottle!! - eBook

with over $200 in Gift Bonuses added!


A Personal Message from Mary

Dear MasterMinder,

What I want to know is... what happened to July? Amazing how expansive time can be when you are "on purpose." On purpose can be work as well as play. For us, it's work, play and renovation.

In April we purchased our beautiful New England lake-front property that we had MasterMinded for. We began immediately renovating our house into a place which is now a serene retreat for us. In only 2½ months we succeeded in accomplishing a most beautiful transformation. Since we moved in on June 15, we've been relaxing, "putsing" on stuff, more relaxing and more "putsing." Everything has unfolded for us perfectly, easily and enjoyably.

We MasterMinded consistently throughout this process... choosing to be intentional about every single project... and as "intended" things have come together with perfect timing and amazing grace.

As I float on my air mattress or see how much water I can get on myself while riding my jet ski, I often find myself contemplating what is to be my next endeavor. I am contented to report that I do not know yet! Sometimes inner guidance is like that... quiet and contemplative.

It's is my sincerest hope that you too are experiencing a time of renewal and renovation this summer. Taking in the light, getting wet and trying something new.

Speaking of trying something new... have you formed your MasterMind group yet? Make sure to read the latest MasterMind Success Stories that just came in (below).

No matter what glitches you may be experiencing in life, you can quickly formulate an affirmative, intentional MasterMind Request for it and ask other's to see the desired outcome for you. IsMostPossible!

Summer is a superb time to rejuvenate with the upliftment that MasterMinding brings. Some of my most favorite MasterMind sessions have occurred outside, near the water while sipping ice tea and enjoying the Light.

In fact, after we send this off today, Craig and I are headed down to our beach to do just that ... MasterMind!

in Light & Love,


Feature Movie

Earlier this year we launched . We are continuing to have an amazing response to it and I want to thank you for watching it as often as you need to find your own sense of Peace, and for forwarding it to people you care about as you feel guided to.

Your Inner Guidance will create the pathway to meeting all of the demands of your life.

Last fall when Oprah interviewed Geena Davis, the leading actor for the newly successful TV show, Commander In Chief, Oprah questioned Geena about what she most attributed her success to over the years as an actress. Geena didn't hesitate for even a moment. She said, "My Inner Guidance and a mother that supported me in listening to it."

After visiting for a few minutes about the power of Inner Guidance, Oprah concluded that we all need to just be taught how to really hear our Inner Guidance above the fray of the world.

We invite you to watch this movie as often as you need to facilitate your connection with your inner guidance.

We welcome this movie being forwarded to every one you know who could use a little reminder of the PEACE that Inner Guidance can bring.


Feature Article


This is about becoming the most authentically powerful person you came here to be.

The answers you are seeking are in you, and to dig them out, you need to learn how to think differently about all that you've already decided is possible, or not possible, regarding people, things and events.

Instructions on how to do that is in the courses and books I've written for you to read, study and think in.

So, yes, go study some more!

Read other authors to help you remember just how powerful you are.

Decide to read, think and emote differently than you have been every day in every way.

Keep going forward in your thinking.

Your unhappy situations need you to affect them differently, and powerfully.

This is never about being overpowering.

This is all about your energy, not force or coercion.

This is all about your attractor energy patterns.

Refuse to give yourself any more excuses about "them" and about how much "you" are limiting God (and thereby absolving yourself of any responsibility for your part in this) by saying, "It's God's will."

Here's what God's will is: That you seek your connection first and then, when and as guided, take action second. That you love first, and that the love you give be without strings, attachments, fear, reward and/or paybacks. That you are healed, whole and highly functioning in your life experience. It's really simple. God's will is not punitive and it's not punishing.

Refrain from joining others in lower energy fields by simply and powerfully holding your peace as the only transformative action you need to take at any given moment.

Refrain from putting time limits on how long it is taking to accomplish what you are learning to transform. That is a most authoritarian and therefore hurtful model of behavior and it never helps anything get better ... ever!

Remember, that like the three men in the "medicineless miracle" story, you too can learn - through practice, practice, practice - to hold a vision that heals in two minutes and forty seconds.

The most powerful thing that was illustrated in the story of the "medicineless miracle" is that there were "two or more minds in agreement with an end result"... the end result that the three men involved held in mind, feeling and emotion was the vision of a healthy bladder. A picture of a healthy bladder is 100% absent of anything other than a healthy bladder. Got it?

By studying daily to stretch your thinking, and by attending weekly MasterMind sessions, you learn how to practice holding a vision of what is preferred - absent of that which is not wanted, and absent of judgment about how this all came about in the first place.

In this society, we have been taught to accept repeatedly that the best predictor of future action is actions taken in the past.

Do you see the limitation in this statement? It's true and it's false all at once.

It's true that if we keep doing what we've always done we'll get the same results.

It's false in that we have the power to interrupt our old-worn out actions / re-actions any time and any place that we decide to.

It's also true that, as we judge others for their predictor behavior, we have - in that moment - contributed to a limited experience with them.

So, if you've subscribed to this in your judging and labeling of people, and you want any situation in your life to change for the better:

#1: Stop accepting this as your only choice of predicting future outcomes with people, things and events!

#2: Take creative control of your life back. You have all power to vision whatever you want. Decide to live large in your vision. What would this current situation you are struggling with look like absent of your judgment? Absent of the problem? If it were absent of what is not wanted what would be wanted?

#3: Go back to this preferred vision as many times as it takes to affect energetic changes.

We are all blessed with the entitlement and authority to create vast good in our world, and most of us are only minimally tapping into all the healing we could most certainly evoke in every situation that is going sideways for whatever reason.

We blame our circumstances on "God's will," when the real issue is that we are most definitely choosing fear, and we'd rather judge than just love.

We just need to "own" that we'd rather stay and play in the drama than heal it.

The illustration in my Physics of Love section that I've included in all of my eBooks and Online Courses, illustrates such a "real" explanation of just how transformative love, peace and joy are.

So why don't we use it more decisively, deliberately?

Because we are far too consumed with "teaching the other person a lesson about how wrong, or bad or disruptive they are being" which of course accomplishes more of the same, the same, the same...

Or we are far too consumed in the belief that we have to protect ourselves from the possibility of the "what if" drama which of course accomplishes more of the same, the same, the same...

There is nothing that can happen in your world that you don't have the inner power to transform through the vision you are choosing to hold.

Step fully into your greatness, decide for PEACE and stop fighting for mediocrity with all of your "yeah buts."

Manage your emotions with visions of what you prefer ... formulate a goal from that picture, turn it into a MasterMind request and then go speak it to someone who is like-minded and willing to see it for you.


If you are willing to accept it is to 1) get yourself a stop watch, 2) sit with each goal you are deciding for and hold a pure positive thought - already accomplished - for two minutes and forty seconds on each goal, daily.

Print out the FREE 7 Steps to the MasterMind Connection at my website and read them through repeatedly until you feel yourself in a higher peaceful state. It's Done!

Two minutes and forty seconds!

This or something greater still.

...and that's your Quantum leap for July.

© 2005 - 2006 Heart Productions & Publishing


Easily Accessible Resource

MasterMinding: LIGHTNING in a Bottle! eBook - $24.50

Receive $200 in Love Gift Bonuses ...

Say YES to all of the demands of your life with MasterMinding: When two or more people come together in spirit of harmony, Infinite Intelligence is present and all that is asked for will be given.

Several years ago, I was "guided" to write about MasterMinding primarily because it's where I learned how to really hear and feel my Inner Guidance. MasterMinding evolved for me from an authoritarian model which focuses on "accountability" and "brainstorming" i.e., human methods of "over efforting" to make things happen, to a model of simply learning to hear and trust my Inner Guidance to receive clarity.

MasterMinding as I have learned to work with it over the past 20 years is "fourth dimensional" and through working with it on a weekly basis, with others seeing and believing for you and you for them, you learn how to align, listen and manifest more easily.

Inner Guidance makes a way where there is no way.

Divine Mind does not divide people.

People divide people every time they say, "My Inner Guidance is better and more astute than your Inner Guidance!" That's why my MasterMinding system is all about the phenomenal uplifting power of peer-to-peer seeing and believing for each other, only that which is really desired and intended.

Inner Guidance aligns a divided mind, and divided people, as one becomes willing to be aligned.

In MasterMinding with my system you will learn how NOT to take action until it is inspired, right action.

And if you are still struggling with what Inner Guidance is saying and what it's not, you can begin learning today how to be at One with the Peace that Inner Guidance brings just as soon as you begin reading MasterMinding: LIGHTNING in a Bottle!

Check out the newly added $200 in Bonus Gifts!

With my system for MasterMinding, you can be in tune with the shortcut to success. The soul satisfaction of inner security, and the gratifying, visible results my method of MasterMinding brings into your life can be almost beyond belief!

So dare to start MasterMinding today utilizing my "less effort more results" system. True wisdom comes from within and contains the greatest success power there is.

Take this shortcut to success now!


Hello Mary,

In December 2005 I discovered your Free 31 days of Miracle Mastermind Requests subscription and began to implement it as a daily practice with a Masterminding partner in January. We both felt so empowered as a result. I purchased your MasterMinding 101 Online Course and in February formed a Masterminding group with three other women business owners for our personal and professional lives. We have become more intuitive and aligned with the universe. The results have been phenomenal!

Two of the business owners Cheryl Katherine Wash and Trevy McDonald have partnered their publishing companies and now have a store front office outside of their homes. Interestingly the office was in move-in condition and is located on the street where they both wanted an office long before they ever met. The rent is reasonable, and the terms were whatever we wanted: month-to-month, 6 month or 12 month. They set out to look for office space on June 29 and found the space that day. There were no credit checks required--the landlord only wanted to know about the businesses and that they will pay rent on time. The office is located in a commercial zone in a beautiful historic district. The week that things unfolded that led to them meeting people that led them to the office, they were both supposed to be out of town. The Cheryl's daughter received notice at the last minute that she had to go to summer school.Though Cheryl was disappointed that she had to cancel her trip to her nephew's graduation, the partners told her something good would result from her being there. Trevy stayed in the area to finalize plans for her family reunion.

The week before Trevy did not have a location for the family reunion brunch. After calling some venues she decided upon one and that, even though she was told it had been reserved already, that it would be available for her. Masterminding gave her the courage to do it as she recalled you stating to replace the word "impossible" with "Is MOST possible." When she went to the venue and the manager checked the schedule she was told that there was no contract on the previous reservation so the space was hers if she wanted it.

In April, Trevy followed her gut and took an on-line screenwriting class that gave her the opportunity to query production companies and agents in Hollywood. At that time Trevy formulated a request that her screenplay is sold to a Hollywood studio. In late June her screenplay was requested by a well-established, well-connected Hollywood Production company.

Here are reports from the other members:

In February of this year, I began following your Mastermind program with 3 other women. The weekly activities did a great deal to help me to maintain my focus and commitment to creating the life that I want. But even more spectacular than the lessons, is the supportive bond that was created. Yes, Masterminding brought us "birds of a feather" together. It is now the end of July. We have finished our 12 week program and continue our weekly get- togethers. We follow the 7 steps, recapping successes and challenges and then set our requests. The spirit of support, and belief in each other is the real benefit. I have come to "crave" our sessions. We have seen wondrous things ccur for each other. We have generated ideas and insights that help get us to the next level. It has truly been one of the best things to happen to me. What's really fun is my sense that we have only begun to see the fabulous results. I think we are all going to explode with marvelous things.

Thanks for providing a tool for helping people to achieve even more than they imagine!

Karyn Pettigrew, Author of I Quit and Choose Work That Aligns with My Soul

Before Masterminding I was really down in my business. I didn't want to work and it reflected in my pay, because I'm self employed if I don't work I don't have money.

Since I have been Masterminding I am much more positive. I look for successes more and I am much more enthusiastic about my career. My biggest success I think has been seeing bigger things and believing in bigger things just because my Mastermind partners believe too.


Here are some other success bullet points:

One Mastermind partner moved forward with a decision to relocate which she had been considering for years.

One Masterminding partner's husband at first thought what she was doing was strange, then two months into the group he had job interviews back-to-back and asked her to mastermind with him. He was offered both jobs the day of the interview.

One Mastermind partner broke through fear which had plagued her and opened up in ways she never imagined to her beloved.

Masterminding has made a PHENOMENAL difference and improvement in our lives in less than six months. I recommend your site and the on-line course to several of my friends and encourage them to implement Masterminding in their lives.

Trevy A. McDonald, Ph.D., Author of Time Will Tell

To learn more about my Online Course, MasterMinding 101 that Trevy refers to ... and the $306 in extra Bonuses I've added for your learning expansion click here.

in Light & Love for July,
mary AT

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