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Here's a sampling of the NEW MasterMind Successes starting to come in from
MasterMinding 101 Online Course and from Stay Married Online Course:

Topic Title:  Financial Freedom

Success: To all my Master Minding Partners, I want to announce that I reached my $50,000 in sales by February 14. That is a huge success, and I thank you all and Mary for MasterMinding with me to attain this goal. - MariaP


Breast Exam Success:
     Friday, I went to Duke Hosp for my yearly Breast Exam. The lady did very basic xrays and told me that my xrays will be read on Monday. I just hung up from Duke Hosp calling requesting me to return tomorrow for more xrays.
     I made the following Requests:
     I request, accept and give thanks for the careful screening of my breasts by Duke Hosp.
     I request, accept and give thanks that the extra xrays are filled with healthly cells just smiling and excited to have their picture taken and holding a sign that reads All Is Well.
     Update: I went to Duke Hosp for more x-rays. I saw the x-ray that was causing concern. There was a bright area in my left breast so the technician took two more different angled x-rays. I told the technician that "cell's name is Miss Piggy and you know how she hogs attention. Just take her picture and she will be satisfied."
     After waiting and talking with all 7 women in the waiting room for over 40 minutes, my name is called and I receive my letter telling me that I do not have cancer and come back next year.
     Thank you God for protecting my health. Thank you angels for surrounding me.
     Thank you all for seeing my request so quickly. - HL365


Continuing financial gifts from God:
     Within the last week I have received 3 financial gifts out of the blue. The first was two quarters and a nickel that was a definite sign to me. The second was another quarter - another definite sign. Yesterday
     I went to see a friend who owns a consignment store where I had recently placed a few things I wanted to let go of - she handed me a note reading "God is so Good" and stapled to it was a $100.00 dollar bill! After leaving her I went by the grocery store and on the way out there was a man sitting with a collection box which read - 'Nothing is impossible with God" - I gave him a donation and imprinted in my mind - "All is possible with God".
     I am Truly Grateful for the miracles unfolding before me! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... Gift


Math IA completed!
     I am so grateful for everyone who saw my son having enough time to complete his Math IA easily and effortlessly, with joy and laughter all the way. He completed it yesterday morning and just put a few finishing touches on it last night and is handing it in today. Woo-hoo! -jacdehunt


Found the Love of My Life
     Hello everyone,
     I am taking time to catch up on see-backs and connect with all the MMers posting successes. When bootcamp started I was travelling without internet access.
     I've been away from MM activity for a while, and I am now re-experiencing that wonderful rush of energy, optimism and joy that comes with MM. Last night, I spent an hour or so doing seebacks, and my energy soared. I felt bold and confident dealing with two issues that could have been contentious. I feel I am in my power!
     And I have to tell everyone that reads this that as a result of my previous devoted daily Masterminding two years ago, I found the love of my life after 12 years of widowhood! So it works, it really works. And I continue to be amazed and grateful at how effortlessly I see my thoughts becoming my reality. If ever there was a reason to guard my thoughts and knowingly steer them in a positive direction, this is it! Blessings to all who come here. - Irena


     Dear MasterMinding Friends,
     It’s Tues. morning, and my 1st & 2nd requests are being answered: on Sun. my perfect MMpartner contacted me via skype exactly w/in 24hrs.; on Mon. my children came to me for dinner staying 1.5 hrs., and I somehow got beyond issues of time and place. For the 1st time in 2 months, I was able to be FULLY present, loving and enjoying them both?
     My husband has been preventing our kids from being with me, since he decided to create a "new family" (over Christmas as well, telling them at the last hour that he would take them to his girlfriend in another city.) Yet, in spite of his behavior, last night was silent & holy for me. I was able to feel a LOVE big enough to include him as the father of our children, melting the outrage & resentment I’ve been harboring, since October.
     One healing realization is that every dinner can be a holy meal. (I had similar insight when Letting Go of my home yrs ago. After much garden work & extensive planting - in Letting Go, I came too realize that every flower & every tree is my tree, opening up a larger world to live in.
     Last night, for the 1st time, I was in full acceptance that I had the time that I had with my kids. I was FREE of anger & resentment. Although I would have enjoyed time to play a game after dinner, I willingly and joyfully walked them "home". Magically, this walk turned out to be great FUN and much laughter with BOTH, and I was able to get them there "in time".
     At the door, I told them not to be afraid… I now realize I might have even told them to go share their love with their father?
     This morning, I decided I CAN be more cooperative with him. I've decided to end our marriage with as much peace and grace as possible, I AM now focusing on support, ease and cooperation. I am ready for this to be so. I now SEE and share a peaceful world, where love has more power than fear. And I am willing to learn everything I need to know (in friendly ways) about genuine love & true community, and completely let go of my habit/need to go it alone. Thanks for all your love & support!
     Love & Gratitude, Sanna SunBear


My 1st MM request is answered within 24 hrs.
     Yesterday, I posted my very 1st MM request: that my perfect MM partner contact me within 24 hrs.
     And exactly 24 hrs. to the minute, I received a call VIA SKYPE from my ideal MM partner...
     We had a very dynamic exchange and I'm delighted to say that my "ideal profile" fits her like a glove... What JOY! What MAGIC! - sanna


Refunds and Realisations
     A couple of weeks back I posted about a refund I was asking for... I was wanting it to be effortless and, to be honest, a no-brainer... well, I cannot say it was either effortless OR a no-brainer, and yet its value is far more than the amount of money that is returning to me for a sort of Take-2 or Do-Over... there was resistance and references to "a company policy" about which I did NOT know at the time I made my purchase. I'd been told when I attempted to cancel, however, and at that time I was willing to create the credit balance. I saw it as an investment in myself to have that all paid in advance.
     Well, then as Life often happens, I changed. my changes brought changes of mind, of priorities, and new decisions on my part. This, however, was NOT explained and over-explained by me; I simply requested a refund. The NO that I received after a longer than I found comfortable wait for ANY response was a bummer, okay, I'll admit that and YET...
     Nope, when their NO came I simply wrote another, short, friendly email. I have to say, too, my recent learnings about and practise of MasterMinding101 requests was my magic editor and truly more of a "ghost-writer" in that email. I awaited their reply and tried as hard as I could to SEE it resolved, mostly by redirecting my unwanted thoughts when they popped in, as well listening over and over to the two movies of Mary's I have. and, I deep-cleaned this wee cottage I live in, a task that even Houdini would find challenging as it's only 300 square feet so it gets tricky to move and clean, repeat repeat repeat...
     I came home from doing laundry around 6:30 last evening. there in my emailbox was another email, from another person at the company, saying they were making an exception in my case.
     Here's the SUCCESS EXTRAORDINAIRE however... nobody got hurt, nobody had to "threaten" anyone or try intimidation tactics of any sort, and everything's complete.
     Sometimes I suppose I try to contain my successes in a frame of my own choosing. this experience, however, has taught me that my ideas might be very limiting, and very far short of what is actually intended for me.
     AND... it REALLY MATTERS, that "acting as if it's so" or thinking like someone who has whatever it is already.
     When I realised the matter was over and settled to my liking (that I got what I wanted) there was a little something extra in the feel-good part: seeing the best in others and seeing others' bests is a way better "state of mind" than the customary fearful fretting and explosive "mind skirmishes" that usually go on in my head in situations such as this. yep!!! success with whipped cream, a cherry, and nuts... love it -currie


Balanced life
     I asked my mm partner to see for me a balanced life and this week has really been great. I got more exercise, worked less, took care of errands, worked in the yard, and feel like it really was more balanced with many enjoyable things accomplished.
     It is so exciting to see things come so easily. I am delighted for how effortless it seemed to be too. Thanks everyone for helping this come to pass. Joy


I won the contest for the HealthMaster
     I am so tickled that I won the swagbucks contest for the HealthMaster Fruit and Vegetable Emulsifier. I'm delighted that my entries paid off and I was the winning recipient. How enjoyable it is to see myself using this great tool for the health of our family.Joy


French Braiding
     I have been trying to french braid my own hair lately, even though I don't know how. So for the last few days I've been spending time just trying to do a regular braid on the back of my head. i was really struggling with doing it behind me, without a mirror, while working my way down my hair, which made the movements upside down for me.
     Anyway, as I was going through this I finally realized "even though I don't know how to do it, I accept myself anyway" and did some EFT rounds on it, relaxed, and thought what a perfect analogy for all the things that I am working towards with my mastermind.
     The best part was, my walking partner came over and she french braided my hair today so I got everything I wanted and I didn't even have to do it myself. Joy


     I enrolled in this Stay-Married online course over a year ago and I met Amethyst on this message board and have been MMing with her for that long. We experience ongoing great successes and personal growth in our worlds. GOD IS and ever will be. I work on my language and articulation and I especially work on all that I think consciously. I am filled from head to toe with the feelings of my desires and goals and seeing for others augments the "shiver" of success even more. My husband left in December and returned to our home and our marriage in June. I keep MMing and see and am grateful that my marriage to John healed, restored, reconciled, ever blooming and filled with vibrant divine love, intimacy, respect, happiness, bliss and peaceful easy communication at all times, as is God's will for us and the highest and best good for ourselves and our marriage, the lives that we bless and in turn, bless us. -A


     An earlier success: quite a few weeks of stress-free, easygoing communication, a first for us!
     Hi, everyone ... a while ago, I shared this (elsewhere on our forum). My husband and I had enjoyed deep, flowing communication when we were first going out. It was like our souls were recognizing one another.
     Yet during our marriage, there has been a continual daily mis-alignment in our communication. So this previous success was a real breakthrough.
     Update: Since then, I realized how much further success has quietly unfolded! We now have weeks at a time of not just easygoing, but often very high quality communication. We are relating on a deeper, more mutual level.
And in this, certain 'blocks and barriers' have also been gently melting away. I am grateful for how very far we've come.- Amethyst


     I've been following Mary's advice for a few years now and it has never failed me! Thank you for all you do. My husband was at my house today, walked our dog, phoned me later. Conversations are light and easy. I borrow his truck, he takes my car, fills it with gas and washes it. He loves me and I know it. Our marriage will be restored and renewed this year. I own it all to Mary. THANK YOU!! - K


     I've been noticing something recently, even when I am "feeling" squished in and unsure of things... I have this inner peace that I can actually SEE and TOUCH in my thoughts or sometimes even in little wisps of feeling, like how the wind seems to kiss my face.
     Things are unfolding and appearing, little by slowly, like the process I went through yesterday to set up my online shop. I wanted someone to walk and talk me through it, something I actually realized when we were all on the call last Saturday's MasterMinding for a Rich Life Boot Camp. How wonderful it was to have Mary and Craig talking us through this MasterMinding stuff, each of us where we are and no one in a big hurry or huffing and puffing to get on with it already.
     I know that I learn best in certain ways so I asked for some specific help. And, after DOing so, I simply got on about filling out my profile and uploading something for the "avatar" all the "shopkeepers" have. Then I tried making a banner. It's not perfect but it IS my own art instead of the cookie-cutter banners I wasn't wanting to use even though I was willing.
     This morning's email brought a response from the team leader of folks who help others with getting up and running. I was given two people in my time zone to ask to guide me through. And already I feel more confident about it all.
     Sometimes success is folded into and woven through the little wonders. It's important that I don't go looking for "bread in the hardware store" as I've heard said... Sometimes the REAL Success is in the inspiration, the bit of courage I didn't think I had, or that wind that loves kissing my cheek when I'm walking along the beach in the morning. -C


     Thank you, Mary. I've left your MasterMind4Money movie run and run these past several days whilst doing whatever and I've noticed some shifting. I'm very glad you're doing this Boot Camp. I learn well independently, although, when I am doing "self-study" without access to someone who can mentor and help guide me through the new skills and those difficult-for-me-to-grasp points, I feel the difference. So, and I really did NOT intend for this to come out as a pun, but... Thank YOU for making that difference I need. –C


     Whoopee!!!! The very day that I posted my very first request, after a whole month of silence and fear that maybe I would never have communication with my love again, he called my daughter out of the blue with very helpful information (he is a naturopath), he emailed me for the very first time ever and then called the very next night and talked for 45 min. Thank you everyone for masterminding for me and my beloved. He is making miraculous spiritual growth right now...everything in my request is moving forward beautifully. Thank you, thank you. LadyMaster


     My Dear Mastermind Partners, I am grateful and thankful to God for Blessing me with the request beginning the year with positivity and remaining in that positive zone as to date. Over the past two days, I have received calls from two separate clients who are looking for the immediate purchase of insurance policies. One has signed up immediately without requiring me to do much explanation. She has also noted that a colleague is also interested in what I have to offer. I continue to see and believe that Hand of GOD is guiding me, my manager, my teammates and down line agents as we journey this beautiful year 2011. May God Bless All of You! -patrickp


     Yesterday I put forth a request that I would receive the funds to pay all of my financial obligations for this month immediately and easily. This morning I did receive half of the funds easily and in peace. I am very thankful and grateful. I feel positive energy flowing as I write here. I feel my intentions and requests developing and want to continue to refine specifically and believe with my whole heart that my requests are all possible and coming to fruition as I write them and let go of the "how". My insight says I should be verbal and put voice to my intentions out loud. I have found this uncomfortable. I am very thankful. –gift


     Success Story: Shortly after yesterday morning's MM Session, my son came over for a visit. About two weeks ago he sprained his right ankle while playing volleyball. He is on the mend but not quite there yet. The miracle is that I had the confidence to ask him if I could work on his ankles using my tuning forks and the second miracle is that he said yes and was open to the experience. He said it felt good.
     Second Success Story: This same son and his girlfriend of two years are expecting a baby(our first grandchild). He will arrive in about a month and a half. Their relationship has been rather tumultuous. Anyway, we have had few opportunities to connect with his intended over this time and I have been attempting to arrange a shopping date with her.. Directly after MM-session1, she called and we are going shopping today. I felt a flow of beautiful energy listening to others yesterday and being connected with you all. Thank-you. -LadyMJ


     In the past, I've been plagued with misplacing items and squandering time searching for items I need in order to complete tasks. This adds great stress, as well as chastising myself for disorganization. Yesterday, I set out to work on a response to an opposing brief in a big case, which will affect many litigants in a large state. I am stressed by the responsibility of this case, and could not find the brief. I looked everywhere I could think of and went through many files, thinking it had gotten caught on some other paperwork. I was bummed.
I remember reading something Mary wrote, about thinking "Here it is" instead of "where is it?" I posted a request to my master mind group and the message board asking for my mind to be focused on "Here it is!" I then decided to work on other items, not on the top of my original list, and every time I thought about the item, said to myself [in a peppy voice] "Here is is!" I had a calm and productive evening.
Well, this morning, I thought to myself, as I walked by a pile of clothes, by the laundry basket, I think I'll lift this sweatshirt and THERE IT WAS! – Monica


     I was not nearly so happy when I started using this class. It is the best thing I have ever done. Thank you so much for teaching this great material so well. I am eternally grateful for the tools I have taken from here. Joy


     Yes, MasterMinding is SO powerful! And, Mary's course and this forum support the highest energetics of MM-ing so well! We are all fortunate to be a part of the wonderful energetic! Thank you, Mary, and everyone else involved! - Anne


     Although not formally requested, I feel I've been gifted merely because I am looking at things differently. Received a call from a sibling concerned about our parent. A great door opening call, recognizing parent might need some help. Was asked to call other sibling and reach out. Responded that it should be he that makes that call (new behavior for me). He did, they talked, we all talked! We are now starting to have the power of many (a mastermind) to assist our loved one. My requests in the past weren't able to be heard by either of them. I didn't verbally request this, it just came. What a gift that one call was to me! - Relieve


     The power of many, even when we are in different locations, is like our minds are in the same room. No matter what each person adds, it is valuable. A most interesting event occurred when you thought you were flying solo, going it alone; you found you have an remarkable competent team right there within your grasp. - medconslt


     Buckets of Love & Abundance
I'm enjoying and benefitting from participating in this program, and so grateful for the loving kindness, skillful support and inspired guidance I'm learning to receive and to give.
     In our mastermind skype session last night (4 women) we recited the 7 steps and then took turns: reporting successes, describing challenges, and seeing back for each other.
     Reporting my successes, I was delighted to realize that I'm now receiving Buckets of Abundance: in relationship with myself, my family, clients and new friends...
     I'm Double Delighted to report that I'm also receiving income beyond what I've been able to imagine up until now, while I am helping others to do the same.
     Describing my challenges, I received the perfect word from one of my partners, which helped bring everything into focus, and that word was BIRTH. YES! It's wonderful to be so fully received, and to fully receive others in this MasterMinding way.
     Reading and posting on this board is an excellent reinforcement. I recognizing more of the dynamics: how we get hung up by limiting beliefs; how I was efforting in a recent request trying to "get it right & be sure to get everything in there" push push pushing...
     I now choose to relax and breathe even more deeply, and allow everything to flow in perfect timing, everything to change, shift and smoothly align into perfect order.
Buckets of Love & Abundance, SannaBear


     I have found that I can request, accept and give thanks this past week and any beginning thoughts I may have had of negativity or anxiety would disappear. I have a new client - with a nice order for products - without even trying. I am learning to live with "ease" in my life. I have learned to Let go of scarcity and negative attraction and am enjoying more PEACE! I am laughing more as well! - Pat


     Post subject: Debt diminishing
     Woo-hoo - we paid off our last credit card last week. Our house has sold and it looks like the deal is going through so we will be moving. We now have savings for emergencies, vacations, gift giving and bills that come irregularly so money is flowing easily and effortlessly. Thanks for all the MM 'see backs' for us. We are so very grateful! - jacdehunt


     Post subject: Sale of items
     I requested the right and perfect buyers for the 4 big furniture items we have for sale. I put the dresser on craigslist tonight and had it sold within 5 minutes with a backup buyer 5 minutes later and another backup buyer 15 minutes afte that. I now see the right and perfect buyers for the remaining 3 items coming forward now with cash in hand and a big smile for the great deal they received. - jacdehunt


     Drama Dissolved
     My son's Math IA was completed the day before the deadline and the day I made the request he was creating quite a bit of drama about wasting time and not working on it early enough and on and on and on. I stopped him and asked him to make a request and I saw back for him. He came home Monday night and said he was nearly finished and that he had turned in a rough draft for review and would be making any changes that were recommended and finishing it early. Thanks for all the see backs. It really did go easily and effortlessly and with no drama after the initial drama scene. - jacdehunt


     Mary and Craig, Each of your moviecards, You are Wonderful, Amazing, Deserving, and Delightful, truly nurtures and lifts my spirit and soul. When I feel the need for a boost in believing I can play one or more of these and feel the positive energy coming. Thank you for the amazing gifts you give... Gift


Read ALL the Successes at the MasterMinding 101 Online Course Request Board. You can view the public part of the board. The Requests forums are closed to the public.