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Gifts by the Side of the Road is Recommended by...

"Jack Schlatter is a charismatic, consummate communicator who will have you laughing through your tears as he squeezes your heart with timeless truths."
–MARK VICTOR HANSEN, Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

"Do not pass up the opportunity to be entertained and inspired by this amazing human being."
–JACK CANFIELD, Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series.


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When you invest in Jack's Gifts by the Side of the Road book, you will also receive these FREE Gifts:

1 - eVideo of Jack's LIVE Presentation: Gifts by the Side of the Road. It's a video that will open your eyes to the little things in life so often overlooked -- quiet moments, friendly words, acts of kindness.

2 - MP3 Downloadable Audio of Jack's LIVE Presentation: More Gifts by the Side of the Road. This audio is an additional compilation of Jack's heartwarming stories and anecdotes that illustrate gifts of love, laughter, inspiration and hope that can life that can lift you up and ease you through even the darkest of times.

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